About Steinbeck Revisited

Welcome to Steinbeck Revisited, my reflections on his published work.

As a teenager studying Grapes of Wrath for school, I was overwhelmed by the plight of farmers, struggling to survive in difficult times. This book was my introduction to social injustice and it wasn’t a pretty sight.

Decades later and 76 years after this classic was published, I have set myself the task to read John Steinbeck’s collection of fiction, non-fiction and plays. I hope to rekindle my love of reading, discover more about this ground breaking author and learn how to review books.

I hope you can join me on this journey.


5 thoughts on “About Steinbeck Revisited

  1. Vicki, I love what you are doing here! What a fabulous idea. You’ve got me thinking about which authors I would consider revisiting, expanding my experience of their work… Thank you!


    1. Thanks rachelfaithcox for your lovely comments. I wished I could read faster but these projects take time, so it’s good to review work by authors who really resonate with you. If reviewing 20+ books is an enormous commitment, you could start off with an author who has published fewer books or just review selective books from various authors.


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